
I am a writer, and a retired teacher. I live in an old stone cottage in Cheshire, UK, with my husband, not far from our daughter and grandchild. We have been renovating the cottage for some time.

I write fantasy including urban fantasy and mm romance. I also write short contemporary romances and poetry. I am interested in culture clash, psychology, languages, reading and travel. I love world-building and exploring motives and emotions.

I have a section of free short stories and ficlets, and another of poetry. You are welcome to reblog or share these provided you credit me.

I also write fanfiction in a variety of fandoms which you can find on Archive Of Our Own at my page: https://archiveofourown.org/users/moth2fic

Most of the photographs that appear in my posts were taken by me or my husband. I also design my own book covers. In a few cases, where I am ‘advertising’ the work or ideas of others, or using illustrations as site headers, banners, etc. it will be clear that I have used others’ material but only either with permission or when the picture is in the public domain. If you want to copy and use my pictures other than in reblogging my posts, please ask first. I will usually give permission if the original is my own provided you let me know where and how you intend to use it.

I have an author Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011794093032 and will accept friending requests if it is clear that we have some things in common. I also have journals on Dreamwidth and LiveJournal under the pseudonym moth2fic. Both are friends-locked but again I will happily accept genuine requests. You can find my fanfiction (in a number of fandoms) on AO3, again under the pseudonym moth2fic.

You can contact me at harlequinandyarrow at gmail dot com (I have removed the actual link to avoid spam).

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